Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Humble even after Doing things Worth Baosting

Remember me for this, O my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services. Nehemiah 13:14

This was told by Nehemiah who had diligently done what he was told to do.
He dint have the attitude as if he did God a favour but he humbly came before God.

There is a great lesson we need to learn from here.
Coz we take God for granted so many if we do something which God told us to do...we have the attitude as if we did God a favour.

We expect God to reward us and all if we faithfully did some work.
Usually we don't listen to his word but when we do listen and do what God asked us to do...we feel as if we did God a great deal of favour.

But here Nehemiah behaves only shows how much humble he was that he dint even THINKING of boasting about what he had done...forget really boasting about it!