I just cant come to terms as to what JUST HAPPENED NOW....
Ive been so dragged away from the truth these days...even when i knew that there was no truth in any other things of my life but only that the devil fooled me!
I just was talking to God and just started to open and read all the Bible verses which came in my mail which i have been postponing from many days...
And one by one as i read God started to talk to me....He told me to Speak victory in his name for he has paid the price for MY FLAWS.
Just then i opened youtube to watch a song which was on my lips all day long.. and it was O Praise him by David Crowder.
And later i started to watch
Everything Glorious(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSeatwGBzo8&feature=related)
AS i was wacthing it ...i was actually depressed that i was not able to make any progress in my christian life inspite of the wonderful things God has been revealing to me and i asked him to help me.
As i got a little interest to read the verses in my inbox...and then when i watched the vedio....actually as i was listening to the vedio (not watching it)
i was reading some comments beneath the vedio...
But at the exact time in the vedio where a Mother was kissing her Child ....
Then in a moment i realised wait a min...God ur kissing me and smiling at me...
HOW COULD YOU..I could have not watched that scene ...i could have missesd that scene but God made me watch it at the exact time just just
In the vedio they beautifully picturize with vedios of small kids playing around...
And not only this God also made me look at another song the moment he told me this he turned my head to the another song whose title was Never Let go!!!
Telling How He has and would and will Never Let go of me and the same thing which he expects of us and wants us to relaize once in for all that WE can never let go of HIm ....for in him is Life ....LIfe in all its fullness....in Abundance.
For his word says For i have come so that you may have life and Life in abundance.
Do we think that we realised the full extent of lives God has planned for us!!!!!!!!!
I realised from watching that vedio clip that .... Are we not all like that before God so small and not knowing about the Complexities of life ...but God Knows everything about us....
Our Health
Our Relationships
Our Finances
Our Past
Our Present
Our Future
And he has a planned a future more than we can ever imagine or think...which is waiting to be realised unless we learn the truth and continue in it daily.
May We Realise the Blessing God gave us Once in for all....HIs Son Jesus Christ.