friends....ive just come along this as i was reading and thought i should share it!!
Here is where in the Bible we can see that the concept of WATER CYCLE (Evaporation condensation...) was known to the people of biblical times.
In verses 27 where it says so very clearly which was discovered after much scientific research we see Elihu speaking about it while trying to tell JOb of his folly and reminding BEFORE WHOM IS HE STANDING BEFORE!!
Later in the last verse....we see that even cattle known when earthly calamitites occur befire they happen....which is known to occur and scientists have found that it is indeed true...
This is just what i found today and thought i wanted to share it !!
26 How great is God?beyond our understanding!
The number of his years is past finding out.
27 "He draws up the drops of water,
which distill as rain to the streams [c] ;
28 the clouds pour down their moisture
and abundant showers fall on mankind.
29 Who can understand how he spreads out the clouds,
how he thunders from his pavilion?
30 See how he scatters his lightning about him,
bathing the depths of the sea.
31 This is the way he governs [d] the nations
and provides food in abundance.
32 He fills his hands with lightning
and commands it to strike its mark.
33 His thunder announces the coming storm;
even the cattle make known its approach.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
WE Crucified Christ bcoz of our Wretched Lives
Today in the morning of 13th Feb,2009.
I woke up a little before than usual so that I can spend some time with God.
I wanted to hear from him, so I switched on my phone to see if i got my daily verse.
So I believed that i would get it.
Couple of minuted later...there rings my phone and i got the message and it said.
"Beloved I pray that you may prosper in a ll things and be in health , just as your soul prospers. 3 John1:2
I prayed God and asked God "Would you show me your love a new this morning"
then God reminded me to see Isaiah 53
This started from a few verse before that is Isaiah 52:14
Just as many people who appalled at him-his appearance SO disfigured beyond that of ANY MAN and his form marred beyond human likeness.
See the words SO and ANY MAN...Bible doesnt lie that means He was disfigured than any other person YOU have ever seen in your life.
Then started to think
Would you leave the hand of your Dad if you know that he would die for you!!!
Wont you do anything possible from stop it from happening to save your not see ur Dad dying!!
I was just thinking Wouldnt it be better if our foolish minds would have understand the Love God was tryin to pour out on us since the very beginning.
God had since the beginning trying to say the same thing of How much Love he has for us in his heart!!!
But our minds couldnt perceive it and he was ready to get on the cross just to make us understand that HE LOVES YOU!!!!
What would you do if you want your child to understand your Love for him...
Godtried to make our minds understand in many many ways..
But in the need he had to Give up his only Son Jesus Christ!!
I woke up a little before than usual so that I can spend some time with God.
I wanted to hear from him, so I switched on my phone to see if i got my daily verse.
So I believed that i would get it.
Couple of minuted later...there rings my phone and i got the message and it said.
"Beloved I pray that you may prosper in a ll things and be in health , just as your soul prospers. 3 John1:2
I prayed God and asked God "Would you show me your love a new this morning"
then God reminded me to see Isaiah 53
This started from a few verse before that is Isaiah 52:14
Just as many people who appalled at him-his appearance SO disfigured beyond that of ANY MAN and his form marred beyond human likeness.
See the words SO and ANY MAN...Bible doesnt lie that means He was disfigured than any other person YOU have ever seen in your life.
Then started to think
Would you leave the hand of your Dad if you know that he would die for you!!!
Wont you do anything possible from stop it from happening to save your not see ur Dad dying!!
I was just thinking Wouldnt it be better if our foolish minds would have understand the Love God was tryin to pour out on us since the very beginning.
God had since the beginning trying to say the same thing of How much Love he has for us in his heart!!!
But our minds couldnt perceive it and he was ready to get on the cross just to make us understand that HE LOVES YOU!!!!
What would you do if you want your child to understand your Love for him...
Godtried to make our minds understand in many many ways..
But in the need he had to Give up his only Son Jesus Christ!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Lost Child
Iam writing this because the grace of the Lord has shown me something i was not able to comprehend before!
From the past few days i was so away from the Lord but i dint realize that until God brought me much closer to make me realize how far i was....
I spent an entire day sinning....bluntly turning against God coz i knew what God wanted me to do but i was not able to !!
Just then my cell rang and there was a message....and i saw and it said...
Call to me and i will answer you , And i will tell you wondrous things, secrets you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3
I was shocked ...i was like..... God!!!!....iam trying to run away from you...YOU SHOULD BE SCOLDING ME IN THE WORST CASE!!
I knew how blunt i was trying face away from God and he said Call to me!!
Even though i was filled with so much negativity ....i just started praying...i dint feel like praying...i was ashamed and i dint want to face him!!
And here he was saying Call to me...and so i called and said
God i am so much away from heart has become so hard i know ...for iam not able to feel your touch on my heart....
He told me to take out a book which i was reading..."HE CHOSE THE NAILS" by MAx Lucado..
THe moment i opened it....the title was saying ....I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU!!!
How can God say such a thing when i have been so unfaithful to him!!
There was a small story on that page..
"Madeline came back that night but not for long.
Joe(Madeline's father) never faulted her for leaving.After all, what its like being the daughter of a butcher?
In their last days together he tried so hard. He made her favourite dinner-she didn't want to eat. He invited her to a movie-she stayed in her room.
He bought her a new dress- she dint even say thank you.And there was that spring day he left work early to be at the house when she arrived home from school.
Wouldn't you know that was the day she never came home....."
The story was no doubt pointing to me for i was lost and running away from God and he said that He is trying so hard to be with me again.....
Caringgggggggg.....sooooo much that he is desiring, he is desperate as the father in this story...
And then in the later part of the story....the girl who goes to live her own lifestyle gets ruined and then understands the Love that her father gave to her....But she was soo ashamed to go back...her father would send letters but she wouldn't open them...
But one day....she got a Note and it was personally handed by her father to the place where she was....
The girl was first shocked to know her own father gave her a note...
and this time when she saw the said...
I KNOW WHAT YOU DO, This Doesn't change the way i feeel.What I've said in each letter is still true."
Then she opened those letter she kept stacking up....and all the letters said the same thing...
"Will you come Home and dance with your poppa again??"
Saying this sentence is too hard....for how could one say that when he knows that his son is living a wayward life...
But God was asking me this...i couldn't stop crying...What am i Dad...iam not even worthy of calling you like that!!!
Then God told me to look at Luke 15:11-24
Asi started to read the Holy Spirit made me realize this
1) Jesus was telling this parable...
And the parable was about a Man and his two sons..Younger who is lost and Older who was with him..
So God is telling here about two types of people in this world..those who are faithful and those who aren't!!
But as you see in this parable God talks about the one who is lost than the one who is there with him!.
I was beginning to realize that this is the story of every person who ever existed !!!
Coz We all have sinned
we all have fallen short of his grace
we all got lost!!
So Jesus here was revealing to me his heart as i read the story ...
I realized that as God was telling this parable he was thinking of every person and many of them whom he loved enough to call him his sons...but they dint make the choice to make him their father.
I started to be filled with grief as i felt pain of God's heart as he told that story for he knew about all his children who are forever lost.
For he would have remembered all his children whom he showered his Love upon...
Just imagine if a mother lost her only son and you ask her how he got lost...
She would cry and wail and say how he was with her till the last moment and then got lost!..
These feelings are given by none but our God who feels the same way...he created we would feel is also same as how God would feel!!
The Love of God ....can be seen in a mother and father's love for their child.
And that's the reason God was very particular about honouring your parents...
Coz the relationship he designed between a parent and a child is a replica of the relationship between God and his Children!!
How heartbreaking is this sentence for the father when a son wishes his father to let him go away from the story starts here saying
"Father, give me my share of the estate"
God made us for the very purpose to have fellowship with him ...that they can Love each other.
And when we choose to turn our face away from him....God cant stand it...his heart gets filled with pain.
God knows our future...and where we would end up!!! SO how difficult would it be for the father to LET GO OF HIS SON!!
For he knows that he designed him to be in his hand....but at the same time when his son doesn't wish God is forced to honour the gift of freewill..
If we read the parable we can realize that ..
The thing which actually made him come to his senses as the verse says in
Luke 15:17
When he came to his senses,
he said ,'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here iam starving to death!'
He realized the LOVE OF HIS FATHER.....Was so much that even the servants lived at ease...
The World is cruel my dear friends...for it is not of God..It never knew him..
And its only the Love that God showed us on the cross that can truly save us from our every affliction...
No matter how much alone we think we are in our afflictions,trials temptations,addictions, ITS ALL A LIE....For we know we have a Father...
I KNOW WHAT YOU DO, This Doesn't change the way i feeel.
"Will you come home to me again dear child"
As we read in the parable that the son actually thought of asking his father to make him his servant...
But when he actually went there....
His Father on the very sight of him ....
as the verse says...
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he RAN to his son , threw his arms around him and kissed him.
and when the son said...
"Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son."
The moment he said this ...the father dint let him say another word....In this case the father was none but Jesus himself and the son is none but US!!
And since Jesus already knew what the son was going to say abt asking him to hire him as his servant.He dint even let him speak that sentence...for he was his SON!! and he COULD NOT BEAR THE THOUGHT OF THINKING HIM OF AS A SERVANT....though we don't even deserve to be treated as a servant of the Lord..!!
But it is written ....For the Father LAVISHED HIS LOVE UPON US!!
Oh....the Love of the toooo good to not know about!
May God and our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit make each one of you who read this what he made me experience as he told me!!
If you have been touched by the Lord....Praise God for his Love.
If u dint..then why dont you CALL UPON HIM ...for he said HE WILL ANSWER!!
HE answered me and he will surely answer you!!
For the creator of the universes and much beyond is declaring this!!
From the past few days i was so away from the Lord but i dint realize that until God brought me much closer to make me realize how far i was....
I spent an entire day sinning....bluntly turning against God coz i knew what God wanted me to do but i was not able to !!
Just then my cell rang and there was a message....and i saw and it said...
Call to me and i will answer you , And i will tell you wondrous things, secrets you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3
I was shocked ...i was like..... God!!!!....iam trying to run away from you...YOU SHOULD BE SCOLDING ME IN THE WORST CASE!!
I knew how blunt i was trying face away from God and he said Call to me!!
Even though i was filled with so much negativity ....i just started praying...i dint feel like praying...i was ashamed and i dint want to face him!!
And here he was saying Call to me...and so i called and said
God i am so much away from heart has become so hard i know ...for iam not able to feel your touch on my heart....
He told me to take out a book which i was reading..."HE CHOSE THE NAILS" by MAx Lucado..
THe moment i opened it....the title was saying ....I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU!!!
How can God say such a thing when i have been so unfaithful to him!!
There was a small story on that page..
"Madeline came back that night but not for long.
Joe(Madeline's father) never faulted her for leaving.After all, what its like being the daughter of a butcher?
In their last days together he tried so hard. He made her favourite dinner-she didn't want to eat. He invited her to a movie-she stayed in her room.
He bought her a new dress- she dint even say thank you.And there was that spring day he left work early to be at the house when she arrived home from school.
Wouldn't you know that was the day she never came home....."
The story was no doubt pointing to me for i was lost and running away from God and he said that He is trying so hard to be with me again.....
Caringgggggggg.....sooooo much that he is desiring, he is desperate as the father in this story...
And then in the later part of the story....the girl who goes to live her own lifestyle gets ruined and then understands the Love that her father gave to her....But she was soo ashamed to go back...her father would send letters but she wouldn't open them...
But one day....she got a Note and it was personally handed by her father to the place where she was....
The girl was first shocked to know her own father gave her a note...
and this time when she saw the said...
I KNOW WHAT YOU DO, This Doesn't change the way i feeel.What I've said in each letter is still true."
Then she opened those letter she kept stacking up....and all the letters said the same thing...
"Will you come Home and dance with your poppa again??"
Saying this sentence is too hard....for how could one say that when he knows that his son is living a wayward life...
But God was asking me this...i couldn't stop crying...What am i Dad...iam not even worthy of calling you like that!!!
Then God told me to look at Luke 15:11-24
Asi started to read the Holy Spirit made me realize this
1) Jesus was telling this parable...
And the parable was about a Man and his two sons..Younger who is lost and Older who was with him..
So God is telling here about two types of people in this world..those who are faithful and those who aren't!!
But as you see in this parable God talks about the one who is lost than the one who is there with him!.
I was beginning to realize that this is the story of every person who ever existed !!!
Coz We all have sinned
we all have fallen short of his grace
we all got lost!!
So Jesus here was revealing to me his heart as i read the story ...
I realized that as God was telling this parable he was thinking of every person and many of them whom he loved enough to call him his sons...but they dint make the choice to make him their father.
I started to be filled with grief as i felt pain of God's heart as he told that story for he knew about all his children who are forever lost.
For he would have remembered all his children whom he showered his Love upon...
Just imagine if a mother lost her only son and you ask her how he got lost...
She would cry and wail and say how he was with her till the last moment and then got lost!..
These feelings are given by none but our God who feels the same way...he created we would feel is also same as how God would feel!!
The Love of God ....can be seen in a mother and father's love for their child.
And that's the reason God was very particular about honouring your parents...
Coz the relationship he designed between a parent and a child is a replica of the relationship between God and his Children!!
How heartbreaking is this sentence for the father when a son wishes his father to let him go away from the story starts here saying
"Father, give me my share of the estate"
God made us for the very purpose to have fellowship with him ...that they can Love each other.
And when we choose to turn our face away from him....God cant stand it...his heart gets filled with pain.
God knows our future...and where we would end up!!! SO how difficult would it be for the father to LET GO OF HIS SON!!
For he knows that he designed him to be in his hand....but at the same time when his son doesn't wish God is forced to honour the gift of freewill..
If we read the parable we can realize that ..
The thing which actually made him come to his senses as the verse says in
Luke 15:17
When he came to his senses,
he said ,'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here iam starving to death!'
He realized the LOVE OF HIS FATHER.....Was so much that even the servants lived at ease...
The World is cruel my dear friends...for it is not of God..It never knew him..
And its only the Love that God showed us on the cross that can truly save us from our every affliction...
No matter how much alone we think we are in our afflictions,trials temptations,addictions, ITS ALL A LIE....For we know we have a Father...
I KNOW WHAT YOU DO, This Doesn't change the way i feeel.
"Will you come home to me again dear child"
As we read in the parable that the son actually thought of asking his father to make him his servant...
But when he actually went there....
His Father on the very sight of him ....
as the verse says...
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he RAN to his son , threw his arms around him and kissed him.
and when the son said...
"Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son."
The moment he said this ...the father dint let him say another word....In this case the father was none but Jesus himself and the son is none but US!!
And since Jesus already knew what the son was going to say abt asking him to hire him as his servant.He dint even let him speak that sentence...for he was his SON!! and he COULD NOT BEAR THE THOUGHT OF THINKING HIM OF AS A SERVANT....though we don't even deserve to be treated as a servant of the Lord..!!
But it is written ....For the Father LAVISHED HIS LOVE UPON US!!
Oh....the Love of the toooo good to not know about!
May God and our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit make each one of you who read this what he made me experience as he told me!!
If you have been touched by the Lord....Praise God for his Love.
If u dint..then why dont you CALL UPON HIM ...for he said HE WILL ANSWER!!
HE answered me and he will surely answer you!!
For the creator of the universes and much beyond is declaring this!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Dad would never let me go

I just cant come to terms as to what JUST HAPPENED NOW....
Ive been so dragged away from the truth these days...even when i knew that there was no truth in any other things of my life but only that the devil fooled me!
I just was talking to God and just started to open and read all the Bible verses which came in my mail which i have been postponing from many days...
And one by one as i read God started to talk to me....He told me to Speak victory in his name for he has paid the price for MY FLAWS.
Just then i opened youtube to watch a song which was on my lips all day long.. and it was O Praise him by David Crowder.
And later i started to watch
Everything Glorious(
AS i was wacthing it ...i was actually depressed that i was not able to make any progress in my christian life inspite of the wonderful things God has been revealing to me and i asked him to help me.
As i got a little interest to read the verses in my inbox...and then when i watched the vedio....actually as i was listening to the vedio (not watching it)
i was reading some comments beneath the vedio...
But at the exact time in the vedio where a Mother was kissing her Child ....
Then in a moment i realised wait a min...God ur kissing me and smiling at me...
HOW COULD YOU..I could have not watched that scene ...i could have missesd that scene but God made me watch it at the exact time just just
In the vedio they beautifully picturize with vedios of small kids playing around...
And not only this God also made me look at another song the moment he told me this he turned my head to the another song whose title was Never Let go!!!
Telling How He has and would and will Never Let go of me and the same thing which he expects of us and wants us to relaize once in for all that WE can never let go of HIm ....for in him is Life ....LIfe in all its Abundance.
For his word says For i have come so that you may have life and Life in abundance.
Do we think that we realised the full extent of lives God has planned for us!!!!!!!!!
I realised from watching that vedio clip that .... Are we not all like that before God so small and not knowing about the Complexities of life ...but God Knows everything about us....
Our Health
Our Relationships
Our Finances
Our Past
Our Present
Our Future
And he has a planned a future more than we can ever imagine or think...which is waiting to be realised unless we learn the truth and continue in it daily.
May We Realise the Blessing God gave us Once in for all....HIs Son Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Humble even after Doing things Worth Baosting
Remember me for this, O my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services. Nehemiah 13:14
This was told by Nehemiah who had diligently done what he was told to do.
He dint have the attitude as if he did God a favour but he humbly came before God.
There is a great lesson we need to learn from here.
Coz we take God for granted so many if we do something which God told us to do...we have the attitude as if we did God a favour.
We expect God to reward us and all if we faithfully did some work.
Usually we don't listen to his word but when we do listen and do what God asked us to do...we feel as if we did God a great deal of favour.
But here Nehemiah behaves only shows how much humble he was that he dint even THINKING of boasting about what he had done...forget really boasting about it!
This was told by Nehemiah who had diligently done what he was told to do.
He dint have the attitude as if he did God a favour but he humbly came before God.
There is a great lesson we need to learn from here.
Coz we take God for granted so many if we do something which God told us to do...we have the attitude as if we did God a favour.
We expect God to reward us and all if we faithfully did some work.
Usually we don't listen to his word but when we do listen and do what God asked us to do...we feel as if we did God a great deal of favour.
But here Nehemiah behaves only shows how much humble he was that he dint even THINKING of boasting about what he had done...forget really boasting about it!
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